Any business, big or small, will require additional funding at one point across all sectors. You might be looking to take on more orders, buy some new equipment, or just need better cash flow fast. In either case, a business loan can be appealing. Debt is never a small decision, so consider whether going out for business loan applications can benefit you.
We explore the main things to look into when deciding whether a business loan is right for your business growth and sustainability.
Define Your Business Needs
The first step before you even attempt to get a business loan is to articulate exactly what these revenue streams should be. Do you need new tech to grow your workforce, add inventory, or cover a short-term issue with cash flow?
Revenue-generating investments or cost-saving projects would still ideally be financed by loans. For instance, purchasing manufacturing equipment that will enable you to produce more products or expanding your services are probably reasons to go into debt. However, if the loan is to make up for operating losses, you might also need to change ships.
Review Your Financial Health
Appraising your company’s financial health is one of the most important steps in determining if a business loan is right for you. Before agreeing to give you a loan, the potential lenders will review your profit and loss statements and any other relevant financial documentation, such as cash flow analysis or credit history.
Notice your markup and cash flow forecast more carefully. If your business keeps making money and has a clear growth future, getting a business loan may still be worth it. But if your company is experiencing uneven cash flow or has low profit margins, borrowing could strain you financially and risk putting the company out of business.
Calculate the cost of the loan
By taking a business loan, you have to repay the principal plus interest. You need to be able to work out the total cost of borrowing money, including all interest rates and fees that apply, as well as any other costs associated with obtaining a loan. Employ financial tools such as a loan calculator to calculate your monthly payment and many other things to compare different loan options directly.
Consider alternative funding sources
Getting a business loan is the most common method of raising capital. Before taking out a loan, you may want to explore additional sources of funding like equity investments or crowdfunding campaigns, as well as federal grants. Investors in an equity round are giving up a piece of the company, not lending you anything, so there will be no loan to repay.
A business loan is a way to boost your growth and maximize its operation, but it should not be decided rashly. Take a good look at your business, weigh the loan against it, and assess other risks. However, if it will equate to growth because the numbers tell you so, then maybe it’s worthwhile. However, if the risks are too overwhelming, look for other funding sources. Carefully evaluate what each has to offer; it will help you make the right decision for your business moving forward.